I have a list. A list of all of the things I want to do or achieve in my life time; I call it my life list. Some things on it are “visit New York City during Christmas time” or “Own a house”. At the very top of this list I had “become a mom”. What I didn’t know was how long of a journey this would be for me to be able to check this off my life list - long enough that I actually considered taking it off my list because I stopped being able to see myself being a mom. Because of the amazing work at ACFS and Maddy’s Miracle Grant, I was able to check this off my Life List on June 15th of this year when our Leo finally was in our arms. Not only do we have our amazing son, but we now have several other embryos through the process to have the chance to give him a sibling one day.
They say it takes a village to raise a baby, but for us we needed a village just to have one. I am filled with so much gratitude that the Hadwin Foundation is a part of our village and gave us our Leo. Without them, IVF would not have been an option and my life list would look so much different today. Being his mother has given me the gift of being able to love bigger than I ever have imagined possible. I can’t wait to share his story with him one day and how our journey was full of challenges but with this grant and a lot of love we were able to finally meet the son we were meant to have.
-Megan, Maddy’s Miracle Grant Recipient